gINT Civil Tools Professional Help

Advanced Query

The Advanced Query Function is used to load specific entries from the database using filters. The user can create filters using the tables, columns and values of the connected database. This way, a user could query only the boreholes that start at a specific elevation.

A query can be composed of multiple filter using multiple properties. It can also be saved or used as an .xml file.

Key-in: geotechnical connectivity query_advanced

File > New

Lets you create a new query.

File > Open

Lets you browse for a saved query.

File > Save

Save the current query.

Tools > Options

Lets you select the default operator:

Filter by borehole Property

The list displays the property of the borehole table.

Filter by Depth-Related Property

The list displays all the properties of the tables currently mapped in the Connectivity and Mapping dialog.

Spatial Filter

Lets you specify a specific view extent or fence.

Add to Filter

Will add the selected filter to the query.

Filter Builder Summary Section:

  • Group
  • Ungroup
  • Remove
  • Edit